Duties Responsibilities and Authority

 Duties Responsibilities and Authority

Duties of Vocational School
- To train qualified manpower for certain professions,
- To ensure the rational use and development of the teaching capacity of its affiliated units,
- To ensure that education, scientific research and publication activities are carried out regularly,
- To carry out two-year education activities with associate degree, for two or three terms a year,

In accordance with Article 20 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547, the organs of the college are stated as the college principal, the college board and the college administrative board. The duties, authorities and responsibilities of the organs of the college are determined by the reference to the 16th, 17th and 18th articles of the 20th article of the same law. Accordingly, the functions of the organs are as follows:

Director of Vocational School

The school principal is appointed by the rector upon the recommendation of the relevant faculty dean for three years. In vocational schools affiliated to the Rectorate, this appointment is made directly by the rector. The principal whose term has expired can be reappointed. The principal has at most two assistants to be appointed for three years from among the salaried lecturers working at the school. The action to be taken in case of deputizing for the director or the vacancy of the directorate is the same as for the deans. School principal fulfills the duties assigned to deans by this law in terms of vocational school. The duties of the Director of Vocational School are as follows:
- To preside over Vocational School boards,
- To implement the decisions of the vocational college boards and to ensure regular work between the college units,
- To report to the rector on the general condition and operation of the vocational school at the end of each academic year and when requested,
- To inform the rectorate of the appropriation and staff needs of the college, together with its justification,
- To submit the proposal regarding the college budget to the rectorate after receiving the opinion of the college administrative board,
- To carry out general supervision and control duties on the units of the college and their personnel at all levels,
- To perform other duties assigned to her/him by the law numbered 2547.

Vocational School Board

The school board consists of vice principals and heads of departments or departments that make up the school, under the chairmanship of the principal. Vocational School Board fulfills the duties assigned to the faculty board by this law in terms of higher education. The duties of the Higher School Board, which is an academic body, are as follows:
- To decide on the education-training, scientific research and publication activities of the School and the principles related to these activities, as well as the plan, program and educationtraining calendar,
- To elect a member of the Vocational School Board of Directors,
- To perform other duties given by the law numbered 2547.

Vocational School Board of Directors

Vocational School Board of Directors, under the chairmanship of the principal, consists of vice principals and three faculty members to be elected by the school board for three years from among six candidates nominated by the principal. Vocational school administrative board fulfills the duties assigned to the faculty administrative board by this law in terms of higher education.
The duties of the School Administrative Board, which is an auxiliary body to the principal in administrative activities, are as follows:
- Establishing temporary working groups, education and training coordinatorships and arraging their duties when deemed necessary,
- To assist the school principal in the implementation of the principles determined by the
decisions of the vocational school board,
- To ensure that the Vocational School's education, training, plans and programs and the calendar are implemented,
- To prepare the investment, program and budget draft of the Vocational School,
- To take decisions on all matters brought by the Vocational School principal regarding the school management,
- To decide on the admission of students, their course adjustments and expulsions, and the procedures related to education and examinations.

In the decisions to be taken by the authorized boards of management, the management teamprimarily exchanges views, assumes a constructive leadership role, makes necessary researches and analyzes, and takes decisions in accordance with the legislation. In addition, a democratic, participatory and transparent management model, which is committed to the rule of law, is adopted in the management and administrative structure of the Institution.